The sole purpose of Charlie's 3/4 House, Inc. is to provide acceptable and affordable housing for alcoholic men in the early stages of sobriety, while they work on their recovery from alcoholism and find suitable employment.
Founded in 1979, Charlie's 3/4 House, Inc. began with one man offering a newly recovering alcoholic a safe place to stay for a short time.Today, Charlie’s 3/4 House, Inc. provides transitional housing for approximately 200 residents per year, with occupancy throughout the year consistently over 96% and a waiting list of 8-12 men. Charlie's residential program requires that a potential resident will have completed a recognized “detox program”. Further, the applicant will have demonstrated his commitment to continuous sobriety, a willingness to find gainful employment and agrees to attend daily AA meetings. Once admitted each person must submit to random drug/alcohol screenings and follow the plan outlined during their detox program and follow the 12 recovery steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Each year, of the 200 different residents who live at Charlie’s (each for a various length of time), over 100 of these men return to the community meeting our definition of success.The criteria used to define the “success” are that:
The resident has maintained over 90 days of continuous sobriety,
The resident has secured gainful continuous employment, and
His earnings are sufficient to allow the resident to financially support himself,and
The resident, when he leaves Charlie’s moves into their own living quarters or moves back to live with their family, from whom he had been estranged.
Charlie's 3/4 House 2121 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 784- 1853