If you believe you or someone you know might benefit from our program, please thoroughly read each of the following documents and initial each page. Then, please mail them in the same envelope with the completed application to the House Director’s attention at the address listed at the bottom of this page.
For reasons of privacy, all of the forms and documents are in PDF form and formatted for printing. A photo identification is required at the time of initial entry.
After receipt of these documents, we will be in touch with you shortly thereafter to move forward with the admissions process. Please feel free to call our House Director personally if you have any questions or need the process expedited.
Charlie's 3/4 House, Inc., serves ONLY self-admitted adult recovering alcoholics and will admit all such men on a space-available, first-come first-served basis, regardless of race, color, sexual orientation, creed, place of birth or natural origin.
Sexual Offenders
No person classified as a sexual offender may enter upon the property of Charlie's 3/4 House, either as a resident or as a visitor.
Charlie's 3/4 House 2121 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 784- 1853