Charlie's 3/4 House, Inc., a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, focuses solely on providing transitional housing for alcoholic men in the early stages of recovery.
Transitional Housing Defined:
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in 1993, defined Transitional Housing as “. . . supportive housing in which homeless persons live for up to 24 months (or a longer period I meeting the criteria )and receives supportive services that enable them to live more independently.
The supportive services may be provided by the organization managing the housing or coordinated by the organization and provided by other public or private agencies.” HUD, Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs
Percentage ofContributions Used for Resident Benefits:
One hundred percent {100%) of all donations received into creating an environment within our housing to help these men return to full, productive and sober lives.By way of explanation of how we are able to maintain such a level, led by our Board of Trustees, Charlie’s largely exists as a result of the of a number of volunteers committed to our purpose mission and goals.
Charlie’s employs one full time trained professional as the Director of Operations. This position is supported in large part by a cadre of volunteers who feely give of their time and energy to assist Charlie's works towards fulfilling its mission and purpose. Most volunteers are successful professionals from the community, either still active or recently retired from their specific fields of expertise. As such, each is well suited to the role they fill within the organization.
Sources of Revenue
Our sources of revenue and the corresponding percentage of total revenue for each source are as follows:
81% - Resident Rental Income
4% - Vending machine Income
4% - Alumni Group Donations
11% - Outside Contributions
We charge our residents very little in monthly rent to help them get back on their feet financially; therefore we rely heavily on your donations to help us provide adequate housing for the residents.
Fund Raising Responsibilities
Fund raising is the responsibility of the Board of Trustees and from which a committee is selected to plan and execute fund raising strategies and activities for Charlie’s. This is an all volunteer effort and the costs associated with this function are generally donated to Charlie’s by the members of the committee
We continue to be very fortunate in having a large group of men over the years freely volunteer their time, energy and expertise both working with our residents as well as handle many of the operational and administrative functions necessary to insure our doors stay open to those in need.
Again, 100% of all contributions to Charlie’s ¾ House are applied directly to programs and/or improvements at Charlie’s that directly that benefit our residents.
If you would like further information about Charlie’s ¾ House including a tour of our facilities, please email us at with your name, contact information and the best time for us to get in touch with you. We would be honored to provide you with more details of our organization, and if you would like, a tour of Charlie’s at your convenience.
Thank you in advance for your kindness and your help in helping us try to make a difference in the lives of others.
Other Ways to Give
Here’s a great way you can contribute to Charlie’s ¾ House while you’re shopping. Both The Kroger Company and Amazon have a program that will donate to our House based on your purchases. All you need to do is click on the links below and connect your account to Charlie’s ¾ House. This will not cost you anything and will help us to carry out our mission.
Charlie's 3/4 House 2121 Vine St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 784- 1853